
Lisa's Fiber Creations

This is me. I've included my family, my art and friends, people and places to visit. You can Join My trading postal art group by clicking on an Art4Mail button where ever you see one. come join the fun, join the journey, I can assure you it will be fun and rewarding. Smile everyday, kiss someone one on the cheek, pass on nice compliments to others and you will reap the rewards of giving joy to others. Hugs to all who read this and May my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Bless you.
Lisa Maria Alff

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Ted with our Emmy, she is doing okay. As time goes on we notice her back end is hurting her more so we have uped her pain meds. She is a love....
 This is Pip looking out the window watching his daddy mow the grass...

This is Greyson, with his head gear on. He had to have surgery due to having a blocked urethra 3 times. As a general rule if a cat has 3 blockages they do this surgery that is fairly new, and remove the penis and then they turn the end of the urethra back on itself and then they make a boy kitty kind of like a girl kitty.  he was a trooper but did not like the cone head look.. He did slip the collar a few times...LOL He is doing well and it has been a couple months since his surgery.. He goes for a recheck here soon to make sure he does not have any infections... Thank You Dr. Dean from Southern Oaks and Cypress Lake Vet for giving our kitty a second chance at life.. Greyson thanks you too.....  

1 comment:

Melody said...

We have a male kitty who gets crystals in his urine and can't pee! He has gone to the vet several times and we have been lucky in that he has not had to have surgery. We give him special wet food and he hasn't had an episode for a while! Wish your kitty the best!