
Lisa's Fiber Creations

This is me. I've included my family, my art and friends, people and places to visit. You can Join My trading postal art group by clicking on an Art4Mail button where ever you see one. come join the fun, join the journey, I can assure you it will be fun and rewarding. Smile everyday, kiss someone one on the cheek, pass on nice compliments to others and you will reap the rewards of giving joy to others. Hugs to all who read this and May my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Bless you.
Lisa Maria Alff

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Weight loss Contest/ the prize is "a longer heathier LIFE!!! "

This was under protest as I have been packing on the pounds, I need to diet in a desporate way. My back and both knees are taking a big impact from this one, I know I have to get it off and I just keep saying I will start tomorrow.
So I have come up with this idea of a "BLOGGER DECLOGGER" maybe we can come together as a group who can hold each other accountable, share experiences, and share ideas and recipies.
If you are interested in signing up and becoming apart of this "trial" online support then leave a comment and email me directly at to get more information.. thanks and many blessings. Lisa

1 comment:

Judy said...

I'm in the same boat...I'm such a sugar and carb addict. Because of chronic pain I've stopped exercising. I must start again...if you've heard from others I'd like to be added even though I've come in late. If not and you still want to do this...lets "start tomorrow". ( or after Christmas. :) oxo Judy